300 W. Davis Street, Conroe, Texas - Council Chambers, 1st Floor
Identity Theft and HR - Learn to Deter, Detect, & Defend
Program 1 - MC-SHRM Members Only Special Topic (MOST) 2:15*PM-3:35PM (*Registration 2:15PM-2:25PM)
Presented by: Frank Mulcahy , Founder - Mulcahy Associates
Identity Theft has Exploded into a Serious International Problem
Not only do businesses suffer direct losses due to this crime, but inadequate security and poor business practices may open a company up to liability suits, fines, and loss of clientele. A company must take adequate steps to protect the confidential information of its customers.
- How is Identity Theft a concern for Human Resource professionals?
- How has the Remote-Work-from-Home Era Intensified Identity Theft?
While no one can totally prevent identity theft due to the human element of this crime, there are steps that a company can take to minimize risk factors for all of us.
Participant Learning Objectives:
- Examine the inherent risk of identity theft in the workplace
- Review sources of identity theft, harmful effects for staff / organization, and economic costs
- Evaluate why identity theft occurs and explore types and characteristics of breaches
- Discuss how to develop a well-defined policy and training program to help minimize identity theft
- Explore wise use of Social Media to protect your organization
- Discover strategies to equip employees with tools & resources to help keep personal information protected
Frank Mulcahy, is an International Speaker-Trainer. His business services firm specializes in Identity theft prevention by studying and training companies on the human behavior elements in prevention. Mr. Mulcahy has extensive experience and expertise in fighting fraud by providing practical ways to increase awareness and expose potential new threats. He details how these crimes occur and will offer comprehensive risk management strategies to minimize their associated risks.
As a pioneer in the field of AI and the author of The AI Whisperers Method, Frank enjoys sharing his expertise on Chat GPT. With over 42 years of business experience, he has always been ahead of competition thanks to a keen eye for spotting marketing trends and his ability to pivot quickly in times of economic downturns. Frank Mulcahy is best defined as a "Change Catalyst' because his interventions create results in record time. This success is based on the belief that behavior is an outcome, not an input. He understands that to bring individuals into action you need to change their belief system - and that requires a very different approach. Frank's knowledge & methodology can quickly nudge old habits into new behaviors providing the spark needed to reset the mindset of your organization.
To learn more about Frank Mulcahy, visit: www.mulcahyassoc.com
www.Youtube.com/FrankMulcahy or www.BookFrankMulcahy.com